Criminal Justice
The Socioeconomic Justice Society believes in...
Increasing number of public offenders and their wages.
Increasing number of judges and courthouses to ensure no backlog of cases.
Increasing checks on judges - they have too much power.
No domestic federal military/para-military intervention except to protect rights and protect against discrimination.
Get rid of all prison sentences for drugs, as well as create more drug rehabilitation centers.
Eliminate solitary confinement.
Make calls to families at prisons FREE OF CHARGE.
Defunding the prison-industrial complex as well as eliminating private prisons and getting rid of government contracts for number of beds filled.
Mandating higher wages for prison guards as well as incentivize nonviolent tactics.
Increase public access to prisons to improve transparency of what really goes on as well as give journalists free passes to enter prisons whenever they want.
phase out prison system in favor of rehabilitation centers
Demilitarizing the police
“Stop thinking about how we should reform the existing systems… how can we re-imagine the system and make a new, better one? It’s about creativity."